Engduino  3.1.0
A fun device for learning coding
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Driver for Engduino Protocol


file  EngduinoProtocol.cpp
file  EngduinoProtocol.h


struct  EngduinoPackage
class  EngduinoProtocolClass


#define DEBUGG   0
#define PRINTLN(...)
#define PRINT(...)
#define VERSION   30
#define COM_SET_LEDS   10
#define COM_SET_LED   11
#define COM_SET_IR   40
#define COM_SET_STATUS   90
#define COM_GET_VERSION   100
#define COM_GET_SENSORS   110
#define COM_GET_LIGHT   114
#define COM_GET_BUTTON   120
#define COM_GET_IR   160
#define COM_GET_STATUS   190
#define PACKAGE_TYPE_1   1
#define PACKAGE_TYPE_2   2
#define PACKAGE_TYPE_3   3
#define PACKAGE_MAX_LENGTH   156
#define PACKAGE_START_CHR   '{'
#define PACKAGE_STOP_CHR   '}'
#define RES_OK   0
#define RES_ERR   -1
#define RES_ERR_PACKAGE_VAL   -12
#define NR_SENSORS   5
#define TIME_STAMP   2.05
#define MIN_TIME   20
#define NR_SENSORS_BUF   8
#define NR_TRAN_PINS   18


enum  {
enum  {


 Timer 1 interrupt service routine. More...
void TIMER1_COMPA_vect (void) __attribute__((signal))
 EngduinoProtocolClass::EngduinoProtocolClass ()
 Constructor. More...
 EngduinoProtocolClass::~EngduinoProtocolClass ()
 Destructor. More...
void EngduinoProtocolClass::begin (EngduinoLEDsClass *eledsc, EngduinoAccelerometerClass *eaccc, EngduinoThermistorClass *etc, EngduinoMagnetometerClass *emc, EngduinoLightClass *elc, EngduinoButtonClass *ebc, EngduinoIRClass *eirc)
 begin function - must be called before using other functions More...
void EngduinoProtocolClass::end ()
 end function - turn off the LEDs and stop Protocol OS. More...
void EngduinoProtocolClass::loadDefaults ()
 Initialize protocol variables and settings. More...
int EngduinoProtocolClass::parsePackage (String str, byte *outNrVals, long *outVals)
 Splits string into array of values. More...
int EngduinoProtocolClass::parsePackageHeader (byte communicationChannel, byte inNrVals, long *inVals, struct EngduinoPackage *outPackage, byte *outHeaderSize)
 Parse package header. More...
int EngduinoProtocolClass::sendPackage (byte inNrVals, byte inCommandID, long *inVals)
 Send package over the active communication channel. More...
int EngduinoProtocolClass::sendPackage (struct EngduinoPackage *engPackage, byte inNrVals, byte inCommandID, long *inVals)
 Send package over the active communication channel. More...
int EngduinoProtocolClass::setLED (struct EngduinoPackage *engPackage, byte nrVals, long *inVals)
 Turn on or off small green LED. More...
int EngduinoProtocolClass::setLEDs (struct EngduinoPackage *engPackage, byte nrVals, long *inVals)
 Set colours and brightness of RGB LEDs. More...
int EngduinoProtocolClass::setGetIR (struct EngduinoPackage *engPackage, byte nrVals, long *inVals, uint8_t setGet)
 Set or Get data from IR communication. More...
int EngduinoProtocolClass::setGetStatus (struct EngduinoPackage *engPackage, byte nrVals, long *inVals, uint8_t setGet)
 Set or Get status of the Engduino board. More...
int EngduinoProtocolClass::setPinsType (struct EngduinoPackage *engPackage, byte inNrVals, long *inVals, uint8_t digAnalog)
 Set digital or analog pin type. More...
int EngduinoProtocolClass::setPinsValue (struct EngduinoPackage *engPackage, byte inNrVals, long *inVals, uint8_t digAnalog)
 Set digital or analog pin value. More...
int EngduinoProtocolClass::getVersion (struct EngduinoPackage *engPackage)
 Get Engduino board version and running sketch on it. More...
int EngduinoProtocolClass::getSensor (struct EngduinoPackage *engPackage, int sensorType, byte nrVals, long *inVals)
 Get Engduino's sensor measurements. More...
int EngduinoProtocolClass::getButton (struct EngduinoPackage *engPackage, byte nrVals, long *inVals)
 Get Engduino's button state. More...
int EngduinoProtocolClass::getPinsValue (struct EngduinoPackage *engPackage, byte inNrVals, long *inVals, uint8_t digAnalog)
 Get digital or analog pin value. More...
void EngduinoProtocolClass::mainLoop ()
 The main loop of Engduino protocol operating system. More...


EngduinoProtocolClass EngduinoProtocol = EngduinoProtocolClass()
EngduinoProtocolClass EngduinoProtocol

Detailed Description

This is the driver code for the Engduino protocol.

The Engduino protocol enables communication between the Engduino board and external devices, such as a personal computer or smart phone/tablet, over the small set of instructions/commands. Commands are represented by easy to understand ASCII strings with predefined definitions of different parameters. Commands can be sent over the terminal which supports UART communication e.g. Putty, HyperTerminal, Matlab, etc., or via Bluetooth. Bluetooth communication can be established between the Engduino Bluetooth extension board and a smart device (mobile phone, tablet, etc.) or a personal computer with Bluetooth port. In the case of Bluetooth communication, the Bluetooth extension board for Engduino must be used.

The main sketch implementing this protocol is: "..\examples\100.Engduino\Protocol\Protocol.ino"

Engduino package:

Start chrDelimiterEnd chr

Simplest Engduino package:

{1;10;1} or with defines {PACKAGE_TYPE_1; COM_SET_LEDS; GREEN} -> Turns on all RGB LEDs with green colour.

{1;100} or with defines {PACKAGE_TYPE_1; COM_GET_VERSION} -> Returns package as {1;100;VERSION}

{1;111;100} or with defines {PACKAGE_TYPE_1; COM_GET_TEMPERATURE; 100} -> Enables continuous mode on Temperature sensor. Package with measurement of temperature will be sent back on every 100 milliseconds. Sample: {1;111;27546} represents 27.546 degrees Celsius.

Function Documentation

void EngduinoProtocolClass::begin ( EngduinoLEDsClass eledsc,
EngduinoAccelerometerClass eaccc,
EngduinoThermistorClass etc,
EngduinoMagnetometerClass emc,
EngduinoLightClass elc,
EngduinoButtonClass ebc,
EngduinoIRClass eirc 

begin function - must be called before using other functions

eledscPointer to the EngduinoLEDsClass object
eacccPointer to the EngduinoAccelerometerClass object
etcPointer to the EngduinoThermistorClass object
emcPointer to the EngduinoMagnetometerClass object
elcPointer to the EngduinoLightClass object
ebcPointer to the EngduinoButtonClass object
eircPointer to the EngduinoIRClass object

This function initializes Engduino protocol functionalities. It must be called with all input parameters representing Engduino objects. Objects themselves must to be initialized in user code with required users definitions.

void EngduinoProtocolClass::end ( )

end function - turn off the LEDs and stop Protocol OS.

Stop the timer 1 interrupt.

EngduinoProtocolClass::EngduinoProtocolClass ( )


C++ constructor for this class. Empty.

int EngduinoProtocolClass::getButton ( struct EngduinoPackage engPackage,
byte  inNrVals,
long *  inVals 

Get Engduino's button state.

engPackagePointer to an Engduino package structure
inNrValsNumber of input values
inValsArray of input values
On success RES_OK, otherwise error code represents particular error.

This function will send button state or enables button interrupt, which will immediately send back any change in button state. Both edges can be configured as an interrupt source.

Input value table:

Input val.Action
[0]Read once
[-1]Disable button interrupt
[1]Send package on button press
[2]Send package on button release
[3]Send package on change of both button states
int EngduinoProtocolClass::getPinsValue ( struct EngduinoPackage engPackage,
byte  inNrVals,
long *  inVals,
uint8_t  digAnalog 

Get digital or analog pin value.

engPackagePointer to an Engduino package structure
inNrValsNumber of input values
inValsArray of input values
digAnalogDigital or Analog flag
On success RES_OK, otherwise error code represents particular error.

This function will send pin state or enables pin on-transition interrupt, which will immediately send back any change of pin's transition. Both edges can be configured as an interrupt source. Parameters needs to be specified in KEY-VALUE pairs. Multiple pairs can be included in the same package.

Input value table:

Input val.Action
[0]Read once
[-1]Disable pin interrupt
[1]Send package on low to high transition
[2]Send package on high to low transition
[3]Send package on both transitions

Input value examples: (digAnalog = 0)
[1,0, 4,0, 6,0, ...] -> Will return KEY-VALUE pairs of digital pins D1, D4 and D6. E.g.: [1,0, 4,1, 6,0] Value 1 donates to HIGH state, value 0 to LOW state.

Input value examples: (digAnalog = 1)
[1,0, 3,0, 5,0, ...] -> Will return KEY-VALUE pairs of analog pins A1, A3 and A5. E.g.: [1,123, 3,1022, 5,862] Values represents pin's AD value in range [0 - 1023]. The value 1023 donates to 3.3V

Input value examples: (digAnalog = 0)
[6,1, 10,2, 12,3, ...] -> Will enables transition interrupts on pins D6, D10 and D12.

Transition mode:

Input val.Action
int EngduinoProtocolClass::getSensor ( struct EngduinoPackage engPackage,
int  sensorType,
byte  inNrVals,
long *  inVals 

Get Engduino's sensor measurements.

engPackagePointer to an Engduino package structure
sensorTypeChose from which sensor
inNrValsNumber of input values
inValsArray of input values
On success RES_OK, otherwise error code represents particular error.

This function will send back measurements from chosen on-board sensor or multiple sensors at once. It also supports continuous sampling with a specified sampling interval. Active sensor is defined by "sensorType" variable e.g.: SENSOR_TEMP, SENSOR_ACC, SENSOR_ALL, ...

Input value examples:

Input val.Action
[0]Read once
[-1]Stop continuous sampling if it is active
[>0]Start continuous sampling with time interval in [ms]
int EngduinoProtocolClass::getVersion ( struct EngduinoPackage engPackage)

Get Engduino board version and running sketch on it.

engPackagePointer to an Engduino package structure
On success RES_OK, otherwise error code represents a particular error.

This function will send back the version of the Engduino board and running sketch on it.

ISR ( TIMER1_COMPA_vect  )

Timer 1 interrupt service routine.

This function needs to be called regularly from the main sketch. If there is a waiting task, it will be executed, otherwise the function will return immediately.

void EngduinoProtocolClass::loadDefaults ( )

Initialize protocol variables and settings.

Load default settings.

void EngduinoProtocolClass::mainLoop ( )

The main loop of Engduino protocol operating system.

This function needs to be called regularly from the main sketch. If there is a waiting task, it will be executed, otherwise the function will return immediately.

int EngduinoProtocolClass::parsePackage ( String  str,
byte *  outNrVals,
long *  outVals 

Splits string into array of values.

strInput string representing Engduino package
outNrValsPointer to an output variable which holds the value of split strings into values type long
outValsPointer to an output array with values type long
Unconditional RES_OK

This function will split Engduino package into an array of values type long. String will be split by delimiter and then converted into long numbers. The number of split numbers will be also returned.

Example of Engduino package: {1;10;123} as an input parameter "str".

int EngduinoProtocolClass::parsePackageHeader ( byte  communicationChannel,
byte  inNrVals,
long *  inVals,
struct EngduinoPackage outPackage,
byte *  outHeaderSize 

Parse package header.

communicationChannelCommunication channel [PC_TERMINAL or BT_MODULE]
inNrValsNumber of input values of type long
inValsArray of input values of type long
outPackagePointer to an output Engduino package structure
outHeaderSizePointer to an output variable holding the length of header. Header size depends on the package type.
On success RES_OK, otherwise error code represents particular error.

This function parses input array of values into the Engduino package structure. The first value in array always represents the package type. Other values in header depend on the package type. The simplest package type is PACKAGE_TYPE_1, which includes only a command ID. Other package types are more advanced and include additional header information like address, time stamp, acknowledge request, etc.

int EngduinoProtocolClass::sendPackage ( byte  inNrVals,
byte  inCommandID,
long *  inVals 

Send package over the active communication channel.

inNrValsNumber of input values of type long
inCommandIDCommand package ID
inValsArray of input values of type long
On success RES_OK, otherwise error code represents particular error.

This function converts array of input variables into a string and sends package over the active communication channel (Serial or BT). The simplest package version is used.

Example of output format: {a;b;c;...x;y;z}

int EngduinoProtocolClass::sendPackage ( struct EngduinoPackage engPackage,
byte  inNrVals,
byte  inCommandID,
long *  inVals 

Send package over the active communication channel.

engPackagePointer to an Engduino package structure
inNrValsNumber of input values of type long
inCommandIDCommand package ID
inValsArray of input values of type long
On success RES_OK, otherwise error code represents particular error.

This function converts the array of input variables into a string and sends package over the active communication channel (Serial or BT). Header fields will be added accordingly to the package type. Package Format: {a,b,c,...x,y,z}

int EngduinoProtocolClass::setGetIR ( struct EngduinoPackage engPackage,
byte  inNrVals,
long *  inVals,
uint8_t  setGet 

Set or Get data from IR communication.

engPackagePointer to an Engduino package structure
inNrValsNumber of input values
inValsArray of input values
setGetSet or Get flag
On success RES_OK, otherwise error code represents particular error.

This function will send data over the IR communication or wait on data to be received. Timeout is specified by input parameter. After the timeout expiries, received data will be sent back over the active communication channel.

Input value examples: SET (setGet = 0)
[69,110,103,100,117,105,110,111] -> "Engduino"
Array "inVals" represents letters (ASCII values; http://www.asciitable.com/) separated by delimiter.

Input value examples: GET (setGet = 1)
[1000] -> Timeout is set on 1000us (1ms); Max timeout is 65535us

int EngduinoProtocolClass::setGetStatus ( struct EngduinoPackage engPackage,
byte  inNrVals,
long *  inVals,
uint8_t  setGet 

Set or Get status of the Engduino board.

engPackagePointer to an Engduino package structure
inNrValsNumber of input values
inValsArray of input values
setGetSet or Get flag
On success RES_OK, otherwise error code represents particular error.

This function will set or get Engduino configuration. Parameters needs to be specified in KEY-VALUE pairs. Multiple pairs can be included in the same package.

Input value examples: SET (setGet = 0)
[0,12, 1,23, 6,0, ...] -> Set status variable 0 to a value 12, Set status variable 1 to a value 23, Set status variable 6 to a value 0.

Input value examples: GET (setGet = 1)
[0, 1, 6] -> Will return KEY-VALUE pairs for status variables 0, 1 and 6. E.g.: [0,12, 1,23, 6,0]

int EngduinoProtocolClass::setLED ( struct EngduinoPackage engPackage,
byte  inNrVals,
long *  inVals 

Turn on or off small green LED.

engPackagePointer to an Engduino package structure
inNrValsNumber of input values
inValsArray of input values
On success RES_OK, otherwise error code represents particular error.

This function parses input value and turn on of off small green LED.

Input value examples:

Input val.Action
[0]Turn off LED
[>= 1]Turn on LED
int EngduinoProtocolClass::setLEDs ( struct EngduinoPackage engPackage,
byte  inNrVals,
long *  inVals 

Set colours and brightness of RGB LEDs.

engPackagePointer to an Engduino package structure
inNrValsNumber of input values
inValsArray of input values
On success RES_OK, otherwise error code represents particular error.

This function parses input values into the RGB colours and brightness. The function supports many different options on how to manipulate with LEDs. From turning on a single LED to a full RGB specter on each LED.

Input value examples:

1 - [colour][0-7]Set colour of all LEDs
2 - [ledID, colour][0-15, 0-7]Set colour of one LED
3 - [cR, cG, cB][0-15, 0-15, 0-15]Set RGB colour of all LEDs
4 - [ledID, cR, cG, cB][0-7, 0-15, 0-15, 0-15]Set RGB colour of one LED
16 - [c0, c1, ... , c15][0-15, 0-15, ..., 0-15]Set colours specific colours of all LEDs
32 - [c0, ..., c15, b0, ..., b15][0-7, ..., 0-7, 0-15, ..., 0-15]Set specific colours and brightness of all LEDs
48 - [r0, g0, b0, ... , r15, g15, b15][0-15, ..., 0-15]Set specific RGB colours of all LEDs
int EngduinoProtocolClass::setPinsType ( struct EngduinoPackage engPackage,
byte  inNrVals,
long *  inVals,
uint8_t  digAnalog 

Set digital or analog pin type.

engPackagePointer to an Engduino package structure
inNrValsNumber of input values
inValsArray of input values
digAnalogDigital or Analog flag
On success RES_OK, otherwise error code represents particular error.

This function will set pins type. Parameters needs to be specified in KEY-VALUE pairs. Multiple pairs can be included in the same package.

Pin Type:


Input value examples: (digAnalog = 0)
[1,0, 10,0, 12,1, ...] -> Set D1 and D10 as INPUT and D12 as output

Input value examples: (digAnalog = 1)
[3,0, 5,1, ...] -> Set A3 as INPUT and A5 as output

int EngduinoProtocolClass::setPinsValue ( struct EngduinoPackage engPackage,
byte  inNrVals,
long *  inVals,
uint8_t  digAnalog 

Set digital or analog pin value.

engPackagePointer to an Engduino package structure
inNrValsNumber of input values
inValsArray of input values
digAnalogDigital or Analog flag
On success RES_OK, otherwise error code represents particular error.

This function will set pins value. Parameters needs to be specified in KEY-VALUE-VALUE block. The KEY is a pin number. The first VALUE donates to a pin value and the second VALUE donates to a pulse width in milliseconds. Multiple blocks can be included in the same package. In the case of passing only one block, only KEY-VALUE block is allowed, representing pin number and pin value without pulse width. Be carful that a pin is already initialized as an output!

Pin value:

[0-255]PWM duty cycle

Pulse width:

[< 1]No pulse
[> 1]Pulse duration in milliseconds

Input value examples: (Special case - digAnalog = 0)
[4,1] -> Set D4 on HIGH state.

Input value examples: (digAnalog = 0)
[4,0,0, 6,1,2500, 8,0,560, ...] -> Set D4 on HIGH state, set D6 on HIGH state for 2500 milliseconds and set D8 on LOW state for 560 milliseconds. After the pulse duration expire the state of the pin will be inverted.

Input value examples: (digAnalog = 1)
[5,96,0 13,239,1000 ...] -> Set D5# and D13# as PWM outputs. The second value in a block represents the duty cycle: between 0 (always off) and 255 (always on). The third value represents active duration. After duration expire the PWM output will be set to zero.

EngduinoProtocolClass::~EngduinoProtocolClass ( )


C++ destructor for this class. Empty.