Engduino Extension Files for Arduino


You would want to install Engduino extension if you

  • use Linux operating system
  • have already got an Arduino installed, and do not want another copy of it on your machine.


Getting Prepared

1. Get your Engduino board & USB extension cable (optional - if your USB port is not easy to reach, you can use an extension cable or a USB hub) ready

2. If you don’t already have an Arduino installation, download the right version for your operating system from arduino.cc/en/Main/Software. You can use Arduino-1.5.x version with Engduino. 


Normal (non-Git) users

1. Download Engduino extension files for Arduino.

2. You need to put the extension files in the right folders in the Arduino distribution.

Windows and Linux OS

3. Unzip the extension files into root directory [Arduino IDE]/. So that the hardware folder of the extension merged with the hardware folder of Arduino and the Example folder merges.


3. Unzip the extension files into root directory [Arduino IDE]/Contents/Resources/Java. To open the application as folder, right-click on Arduino and choose “Show Package Contents”.  Copy the files so that the hardware folder of the extension merged with the hardware folder of Arduino and the Example folder merges.

Git users

1. We assume you already have git installed on your machine. With git command prompt or terminal (partial folders checkout does not usually supported by git graphical clients), navigate to the Arduino folders as below:

Windows and Linux OS: [Arduino IDE]/.

MAC OS X:  [Arduino IDE]/Contents/Resources/Java.

2. Use the following Git commands to checkout the files


Note that you cannot have concurrent git repositories in a single folder.


Note on Arduino-1.0.x

Arduino-1.0.x + has different directory structure than Arduino 1.5+. To integrate the Engduino extension files to Arduino-1.0.x, you need to do the follow:-

  • Navigate to the “Hardware” folder, copy all the files in “Engduino/avr/” to “Engduino/”